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2024 Events

Date Event
12 January Annual General Meeting 8pm, in the Clock Room, Pyewipe Inn
19 January Talk by Andy, 2E0VPX ~ “The Wonderful World of Sir Clive Sinclair”
16 February Talk by Steve, M3FKH ~ “The Speccy Geek: the making of a home computer and a software engineer”
5-7 April Special Event Station for “Airfields on the Air” at former RAF Binbrook: callsign GB6BK
19 April Talk by Bob, G3VCA ~ “Tanks, NASA and Magnetic Anomaly” ~ in the Clock Room, Pyewipe Inn
19 May Special Event Station at IBCC ~ “Great Escape/Inspire Ride 2024”: callsign GB5ESC
24-26 May Special Event Station at IBCC ~ “1950’s weekend”: callsign GB6IBC
31 May Committee meeting 8pm ~ members may attend to listen
8 June Members’ BBQ at the Pyewipe Inn
21-23 June Special Event Station at Newark Air Museum ~ “Cockpit-Fest”
7 July Special Event Station ~ “NRW (G6ZZ 100th Anniversary) - Railways on the Air” at Lincolnshire Wolds Railway: callsign GX4LMR
25 July Special Event Station at IBCC ~ “National Bomber Command Day”: callsign GB6IBC
2-4 August Special Event Station at former RAF Binbrook ~ “70th Anniversary of the Lightning”: callsign GB0EEL
9 August Committee meeting ~ members may attend to listen
9-11 August Special Event Station at IBCC ~ “1940s Weekend”: callsign GB6IBC
1 September Special Event Station at IBCC ~ “Wings and Wheels”: callsign GB6IBC
14 September Late Summer BBQ at the Pyewipe Inn
20-22 September East Midlands Ham & Electronics Rally ~ Beckingham Village Hall
18 October Talk by Nigel Limb, M7FFU
8 November Committee meeting ~ members may attend to listen
8-10 November Special Event Station at former RAF Binbrook
12 December Club members’ Christmas Dinner at Pyewipe Inn
20 December Christmas Nibbles Night, 7.30pm onwards at the Pyewipe shack
