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Special Event Station GX4LMR at Lincolnshire Wolds Railway, 7th July 2024

RAF Waddington Amateur Radio Club operated from Lincolnshire Wolds Railway on Sunday, 7th July commemorating the 6ZZ centenary.

On 5th July 1924 amateur radio station 6ZZ was established on a train travelling from King’s Cross to Newcastle-on-Tyne to test if two-way communication could be established between an amateur radio station on a moving train and amateur radio stations at fixed locations.

Members of the British Amateur Railways Society celebrated the centenary of this successful test by operating GX4LMR during 5th-14th July inclusive.

We were operational on HF bands(SSB) and 2m, with voice contacts being made and SSTV pictures sent from one of the railway’s trains. The team thanks Bob, G3VCA, for bringing various needed items to site in his van and to Andy for the loan of his Coleman shelter and HF antenna for the day!

Picture of the station setup Bob G 3 V C A teaches Morse to a whole family
The station setup at Lincolnshire Wolds Railway … … and Bob has just taught Morse code to a whole family!
