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Special Event Station GB0NAM at Newark Air Museum Cockpit-Fest, 22-23 June 2024

RAF Waddington Amateur Radio Club was proud to support the Newark Air Museum Cockpit-Fest event on 22nd-23rd June.

Our station was set up near the Avro Vulcan XM594 as usual, operating on HF bands (SSB and CW),and 2m FM, using the callsign GB0NAM. We made 89 QSOs over the weekend and would like to thank the radio amateurs who took the time to contact us. Contacts have been acknowledged on QRZ.com and should be acknowledged on eQSL soon.

The G B 0 N A M setup team pose in front of the operating tent Bob G 3 V C A teaches Morse to Air Scouts
The team pose for a photo in front of the operating tent … … and Bob, G3VCA teaches Morse to Air Scouts
